The Maps, Apps & Drones Tour Concludes the Year with Sunshine State Homeschool


Student navigates the drone obstacle course with the Parrot Mambo

The Maps, Apps, and Drones tour made its way through the hills of Clermont to UCF’s own Cooper Memorial Library to host the Sunshine State Homeschool Academy.

Both new students and those returning from GIS Day 2019 experienced a variety of educational activities. These included the National Geographic Giant Map, a Sphero Bolt, and a Parrot Mambo mini-drone flying obstacle course.

While these activities are fun and engaging, they also promote learning. Our Sphero robot introduces students to the basics of block-coding and grid mapping.

Staff member Hunter introduces students to the Sphero Bolt robot

As the use of drones continues to grow, we allow students the opportunity to become drone pilots as they maneuver through our drone obstacle course. We highlight the applications of drones and emphasize the safety involved in flying them.

Students explored the state of Florida venturing from the panhandle to the Keys on our National Geographic Giant Map. We introduced them to the elements of a map and the basics of coordinates.

As the year draws to an end, we look forward to what the next year holds, including the much anticipated GeoBus. Keep current with our team on
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Educators Unite at Our Fall 2019 Workshop with National Geographic


Maps, Apps, & Drones Tour Live at Jackson Heights Middle STEAM Night